I hardly ever use a hairdryer. My hair is very long, very thick and very curly so I usually wet it every day, comb through and let it dry naturally. Sometimes though, when it is extremely cold in Sweden (we are talking gazillions of degrees below zero) I blow some hot air on it before I leave the house. Walking outside with sopping wet hair in -26°C is not fun.
When I came to Sweden in 1998 or so I asked my husband to buy me a hairdryer. He went into the first shop he saw, took the smallest, cheapest one off the shelf and that is the one I used whenever I needed one. It grew more and more feeble as the years went by and eventually it gave up the ghost. I had to get a new one.
Entering into the jungle of hairdryers as a novice was a real education. I had no idea what to choose and didn’t understand all the different features of all the different dryers.
One brand kept popping up and then I found one for half price on a local beauty website, probably because of the colour. Parlux!
This is the one I have.
I do not do anything ambitious with this dryer – just throw my head upside down and wave the Parlux at my hair until it is dry. The dryer comes with a diffuser but I don’t often use that. When I do though, my hair really looks nice. I have heard nothing but praise about this brand and I see that many hair stylists use this brand as well. Wow, for once I got the right thing!